High-interest debt from credit cards or loans can make it hard to efficiently manage your finances and can lead to falling behind on payments; even minimum payments can be tough to make when debt gets out of control. If you have the equity available in your home, a debt consolidation mortgage m...
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Blog tagged as Mortgages
Today, I am going to discuss private mortgages, the difference between the types of private mortgage lenders, as well as explain some common uses and risks of a private mortgage.
First, it is important to note that a private mortgage is not for everyone, and your Mortgage Broker should exhaust all o...
When it comes to understanding a mortgage for a self employed individual it is critical to recognize that the core principles of the mortgage remain the same whether you are self-employed or employed as a traditional employee. The process of securing a mortgage for a self-employed individual ca...
When shopping for a new mortgage, a common source of confusion is the difference between the mortgage term, which is normally 1 to 5 years, and the amortization period, which is normally 25 or 30 years.
The basic explanation for the difference between the two timelines is that the mortgage term is th...
A Home Equity Line of Credit, or HELOC, as it is commonly referred to is a method of tapping into your home's equity, much like a mortgage refinance or 2nd mortgage; except there are some key differences between them.
A HELOC is a type of mortgage that is still secured by the property; however works ...